sabato 17 agosto 2013

The War

The War of the worst thing that exists in the world where the soldiers leave their families to go to war to kill defenseless people, soldiers who greet their children and perhaps will be the last farewell, soldiers who send letters to their families each day with written I love you and after 2 days you do not know anything, young soldiers leave their lives for a war. Instead the families who suffer bombing where they lose their houses and their children only for a stupid war and children who are orphaned and brought up in an orphanage or taken to work, where they can play, as we do divertissi
and every time you hear the television children who lose life.




No Israel

While you are laughing, the world cries.

This message is directed to the state of israel.

                                                             Sincerely From NoIsrael97

venerdì 2 agosto 2013

Boycott Israel

when you buy a coca-cola, sprite, fanta or nestle.
  you help Israel because each pack you giving 5-8 cents and if a company such as Coca-Cola earns four hundred million dollars or euro or any currency. must give a percentage, for example 15% = € 35 million

Free Palestine By